Nripendra Narayana

Nripendra Narayana


Among the all later rulers, Nripendranarayana is regarded as the architect of modern Coochbehar. He had initiated various plan and projects for the all-round development of the kingdom. He married Suniti devi, daughter of Brahma reformer Keshab Chandra Sen. Both the Maharaja and Maharani were great patron of modern learning.


  • AD 1863-1911

Nijobihar 354

Usage Year 1863-7. 80x60 mm. Oval shaped hand drawn stamp design in black. Lion, Sword & Scale at centre. ‘ Yato Dharma tato Jayo’ at top, ‘Keta Bandi’ at bottom, Year 354 at right & ‘NIJBEHAR’ at left in stamp in Bengali, value incorporated in design

Denomination: Eight Anna; Thin wove paper, no watermark

Denomination: Eight Anna; Thin Wove Paper, watermark John Miller Extra Super Glasgow 1860

Denomination: Eight Anna; Thin Wove Paper, watermark Inverted John Miller Extra Super Glasgow 1860

Denomination: One Rupee; Thin Horizontal laid paper, Water Mark : John Miller Glasgow 1863 Manufactured by : THOMAS Brother,London

Denomination: One Rupee; Thin Horizontal laid paper, Water Mark : Seated Britannia Manufactured by : THOMAS Brother,London

Denomination: One Rupee; Thin Horizontal laid paper, Water Mark : Seated Britannia Reverse Manufactured by : THOMAS Brother,London

Denomination: One Rupee; Thin Horizontal laid paper, watermark WP

Denomination: Two Rupee; Thin Horizontal laid paper, Watermark Seated Britannia

Denomination: Two Rupee; Thin Horizontal laid paper, No watermark

Denomination: Four Rupee; Thin wove paper, No watermark

Nijobihar 357

Usage Year 1866-1871. 80x60 mm oval, but minor change in design in black, smaller Bengali letters, year 357

Denomination: Four Anna; Small gap between 1st group & 2nd group of value letters

Denomination: Four Anna; No gap between 1st group & 2nd group of value letters

Denomination: Eight Anna; Bengali value reads 'Att' Anna

Denomination: One Rupee;

Denomination: Two Rupee;

Denomination: Four Rupee

Nijobihar 363

1873 As JLT 7 but larger i.e. 82x61 mm oval, change in ornamental & central design in black, Monkey, Sword & Scale at centre, larger Bengali letters, year 363 in Wmk

Denomination: Four Anna; Wove paper, no watermark

Denomination: Eight Anna; Wove paper, no watermark

Denomination: One Rupee; Wove paper, no watermark

Denomination: Two Rupee; Wove paper, no watermark

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It was in the early 16th century that some Koch tribals established control over the area of the old Hindu kingdom of Kamata, which had been destroyed by Husain Shah of Bengal in the 1490s.

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